Why We Hate Pink
A deep dive into internalized misogyny.
The Process.
As a young girl, I hated the color pink. Looking back, I wondered why I had an unreasonable aversion to a color, a beautiful color at that. In this project, I use photography and a minimalistic design to explore the reasons behind why many young girls hate the color pink, and how this hatred has ties to internalized misogyny. The purpose of this book is to encourage young people to embrace who they are and look past the gender roles set up for us at birth by society.
The Survey
I began with a simple survey which was sent out to the young people in my life, ages 13-17. I asked them questions about their feelings towards the color pink and why they felt that way. Often times, gender roles are so engrained in our thought processes that we don’t realize the ways in which they manifest. I hoped that the youth of today would be less impacted by the phenomenon of internalized misogyny, but ultimately my survey resulted in a lot of negative feelings towards the color pink.
Final Design.
The book begins with a pull-out timeline with a brief history on the associations of the color pink throughout history. I then explore the survey and the results I got, finally concluding with my story. I include photography of myself, demonstrating the ways in which society expects women to act, to further push the idea that gender roles are destructive to our